Friday, August 3, 2018

Presidential visit

On August 1st, the Chilean President Sebastian PiƱera spent 24 hours on the island, and his whistle-stop tour included the signing of 3 important law changes that will affect the future of this island.

Firstly, he confirmed that a new law was in process to change the island's official name from 'Isla de Pascua' (Easter Island in Spanish) to Rapa Nui, one of the island's Polynesian names that has long been the preferred nomenclature for the island's residents. There is a never-ending argument amongst academics as to the 'original' name of this island, if indeed anyone actually knows it, but this is an important recognition of the island's Polynesian roots.

Secondly, he signed the bill for the introduction of the new Residency Law, which as of August 1st 2018 limits the length of time that visitors and any non-residents can stay on the island. See my subsequent post about this, since it is one of the most significant changes to affect the island in recent history, and is a long-overdue solution (hopefully) to the island's growing population.

Thirdly, he met with the 6 new local councillors who will make up the island's ocean committee, and whose responsibility it will be to control the island's recently-designated MPA (Marine Protected Area). Easter Island's MPA was created in 2017, and covers an area of 740,000 sq. km - one of the largest in the world.

All in all a very productive visit by the Chilean leader!

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